Day 7 : Look Up

{via pinterest}
I gave most of my day to working, so I spent most of my evening playing in the floor with my 2 little boys while the biggest boy {hi Lyle!} went to staff meeting. Upon his return, bedtime was in full swing. Finally, after putting Judah to bed no less than 127 times whilst watching All is Lost {still not sure what I think about it} and bathing the baby, it's tomorrow already. 

Today moved too fast. My head is spinning. But I did my best to not miss it. 

Ferris Bueller, he totally got it. OOOHHH YEAH. {Apologies for the language.}  Ok, don't you want to watch it now? It's better than All is Lost and it's on Netflix. At least watch this. You're welcome.


When our eyes are cast down - focused on the tasks, the fails, the seeming impossibilities we are robbed of the abundant life Jesus has promised.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10
Don't forget to look up - not just at what is going on around you, but look to Him who is promising Life. Freedom. Grace. Love. 

In Abundance

Not forgetting what a toddler is capable of while I send an email.
An eight word email.

Not forgetting pulling a chair into the bathroom
so that I could nurse Ezra while watching Judah play in the tub.
Some situations allow for having cake and eating it, too. 

This is the seventh post in the series 31 Days of Not Forgetting. 
If you are here today for the first time and would like to read the series from the beginning, click here.


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