Day 25 : Not Forgetting Rest

There are days when I go to bed and wake up thinking about all of the things that I can't forget.

Don't forget you have to be at the dentist at 10:00 - so don't forget to feed Ezra by 9:30.

Don't forget to do a load of baby laundry or they won't have diapers today.

Don't forget to make a list to take to the grocery store.

Don't forget to ask Lyle if he can be home a little early so that you can go to the grocery store.

Don't forget that you have to find something Halloweeny for the boys to wear to Trunk-or-Treat.

Don't forget to buy candy for Trunk-or-Treat.

Don't forget to...

Sometimes trying to not forget is exhausting.

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30 {NASB}

For when all the forget-me-nots are bearing down on my soul, the one thing I must not forget is that I do not bear this life alone. When I try to force everything into columns and rows, Jesus wants me to learn the unforced cadences of grace - of His grace for me and my grace toward others and myself. Yes, there is a rhythm to keep, but it's not rigid nor confining. It's freeing and light.

Tonight as I brush my teeth and climb quietly into bed, I am clinging to this promise of rest. Tomorrow, before I start my morning mental to-do list, I will remember that His compassions toward me are renewed every morning - and that I should extend my husband, my children, myself the same compassion, the same grace.

Today has been a long day. I need rest for this soul.

Take tomorrow to rest. Don't force your list onto the day. Just keep a rhythm of grace.


This is the twenty-fifth post in the series 31 Days of Not Forgetting.
If you'd like to read previous posts in the series, click here and scroll to the bottom. 


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