I talked about intentionally remembering in one of my last posts, so today - exactly one month before Judah turns two - I am taking my own advice. (And taking my advice will always keep you up waaaaaaaaaaaay past your bedtime.)
I scoured my iPhoto events to find pictures from mid-October for the last several years and here's what I have.
October 2008
Wedding Day Reception #2
I love him more and more each day. |
We just kissed in front of our parents...awkward. |
Dad making me feel at ease. Probably with an inappropriate joke. |
I want to walk through sparklers at the end of every day. |
{skip a few years...all pictures were stored on Lyle's computer from 2008-2010}
October 2011
We had been doing major renovations on our house since June.
This is the 'before' kitchen. |
And this is the 'almost-after' kitchen. |
October 2012
I remember thinking, as we ventured to Cheesecake Factory that night in Durham,
"Please don't go into labor before dessert."
But no worries - my children will always be late.
They get it from their mama. |
October 2013
He was so ready to walk. This is still one of his favorite spots in the kitchen. |
Look at that - an unselfish selfie.
I'm a little bit in love with the boy. Can you tell? |
Today, October 14, 2014
Played with our sweet Erin tonight - it's always a good time to be with friends.
Last month of being a one year old.
#NotForgettingThis |
Take some time in the next few days to look back at photos and journals and not forget the moments that led you to today.
This is the fourteenth post in the series 31 Days of Not Forgetting.
If you'd like to read previous posts in the series, click
here and scroll to the bottom.
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