A Little Quiet

I don't know about you, but I've missed this place. 

These last three months have been quiet for me. Lots of words to say, but never the right time to say them and then feeling like I missed my window to say what's on my mind. Perhaps some of it is the notion that my words have to be perfectly crafted before spilling out of my mouth or onto a page. It's the reason for half-filled journals, not-published blog posts, and un-had conversations.

I'd like to think that some day I will let go of this fear of saying the wrong thing. Not even the wrong thing...just not the exact right thing at the exact right time.

We'll see.


In the meantime, my heart's been mulling over these words from Ann Voskamp:

Whoever had the crazy idea that Lent was for the good who were forsaking some lush little luxury? 
Lent's for the mess, the mourners, the muddled - for the people right lost. Lent's not about making anybody acceptable to a Savior - but about making everybody aware of why they need a Savior.
I look around the world and, usually, comparatively, I think I've got it so good. And really, I do. But in that, I had forgotten the deep, gut-wrenching reality that I needed - I need a Savior.

The 21 Egyptian men in Lybia? They needed a Savior.

Their families? They need a Savior.

People in China, Africa, Honduras, Haiti? They need a Savior.

Me? In my three bedroom, two bathroom house with a filled pantry? No, I'm good.

And that thought - that pride and trust in myself and in my circumstances - scared me to death.

I've needed reminding of just what exactly I needed saving from. It's been long and ugly and sobering and healing and good. And I am so thankful that I have a Savior who saw my need for one and gave Himself for the Glory of God to reconcile us to Himself.


Thank you for listening. Talk to you soon.


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