Things I Learned In April
Today I'm joining the ever-amazing Emily Freeman and her monthly "Things We Learned..." posts. I've actually written posts for the things I learned in February and March, yet for one reason or another never actually published them. And I know that it's May 10 {or 11th by the time you're reading this} and April is long gone, but if I don't publish SOMETHING that I write, I think I'm going to go crazy.
Emily says:
...these end of the month posts are a way to reflect, share, and celebrate on purpose – the fascinating, ridiculous, sacred and small.
Being intentional about reflecting on what I'm learning has kept me reminded that I am learning and that even if it's a small thing that I've learned, it's still something to celebrate.
So in no particular order here are the 5 things I learned in April.
1. I have a stomach ulcer.
Who knew!? Not me, that's for sure. Apparently I developed this ulcer during pregnancy due to severe acid reflux. It was always kept in check because I am a pretty healthy eater and not easy rattled by stress. However, the very last day of March I decided - no, that sounds intentional - I happened to eat several things in one day that I typically would not have combined in one day. Nothing crazy - donut holes, an Icee, a soft pretzel, coffee, a bagel, and a steak. But that night. Oh.My. I would pick labor and delivery and recovery over what I experienced every night for the next five nights. I'm talking curled up, fetal position, laying in the floor, couldn't take care of my kids pain. Several friends from our church, my mother-in-law, my sister, and my parents came to our rescue to help us take care of kids, cook meals, take me to the hospital, pick up meds, and keep us company. Thankfully the medicine got me back to normal and I can just maintain with a good diet. I know it may seem odd to celebrate learning that I have an ulcer, but I was thankful to learn that it wasn't something that required surgery or anything to put me out of commission for an extended period of time.
2. Even Easter can get a do-over.
The ulcer had me more than under-the-weather on Easter Sunday. Easter outfits still had tags on them. Easter baskets were haphazardly filled with items I found at CVS the night before. I watched...on my iPhone...from my bathtub...the Easter service at Northpoint Church in Atlanta and listened to Andy Stanley speak the truth and wonder of Christ's resurrection and I was so thankful that the veil was torn and that God's holy presence was no longer bound to a temple in Jerusalem. He could be present to a weak and weary daughter while she took a hot bath.
The following Sunday was deemed Easter Do-Over Sunday because on the real Easter, I didn't even take a picture of the boys with their baskets. {Thankfully, I realized that it was Ezra's first Easter and it needed to be commemorated in some way, so my sister snapped a picture with her phone. Of course, his eyes are closed.} With everyone dressed in their Easter Do-Over Sunday best, we snapped a few photos, enjoyed time with our church community, and took a long nap.
3. When typing my last name on my phone, I almost always type "Debton" instead of "Denton". B and N are much too close on the keyboard for my liking. I'm really trying not to read too much into it.
4. Taking turns isn't just for kids.
"I just don't have time" is my number one excuse for not exercising. It's not a lack of desire or denial of the need; it just seemed that there was no block in my day that could be set aside, interruption-free, for me to exercise. Lyle and I decided that we would take turns watching the kids for the other to be able to work-out {for he, too, wanted to be able to exercise regularly}. Here's the arrangement: I get dinner prepped and myself dressed to exercise by the time he comes home. When he gets home I go exercise for 30-40 minutes. While I am gone, he plays with the kids and changes his clothes. When I am finished, he goes to do this work-out thing and I finish dinner and play with the kids. By the time he is finished, dinner is ready and we do our evening routine from there. It's nice knowing that we have time carved out for exercise and that we are both more than happy with the arrangement.
What are we using? Our phones. Lyle does You Are Your Own Gym -$2.99 in the App Store- and I am doing Couch to 5K -$1.99 in the App Store {there are free versions, but after reading reviews, I chose this one}. Which leads to...
5. I don't hate running.
I don't heart-eyes emoji love it, but I don't dread it. There was a time in my life when I would sit in my last period class with my stomach in knots of anxiety at the impending mile run that preceded every cheerleading practice. I loved cheering and I loved my coach enough to just haul my blue and white Asics four times around that track. But I was pretty sure if I had to go one step more I would just die. Die, I tell you. I no longer feel as if I am going to die, thanks to the interval nature of the C25K program. It starts off just running for one minute, followed by a brisk walk for 90 seconds. Over the weeks, the time running gradually increases until you can run a 5K. I don't plan on ever paying money to run 3 miles {lu.di.crous}, but I also said I hated to run. Things change.
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