How I Became a Stay-At-Home Mom :: An Interview
I met Kirsten back in October during The Nester's Write 31 Days challenge. Browsing through the hundreds of bloggers' topics for their 31 days of writing, one immediately piqued my curiosity. "31 Days: Live Like You Were Dying" - an idea both terrifying and intriguing. I was about two months post-partum and two months into my move to being a stay-at-home-mom. Kirsten's desire to be a stay-at-home-mom while knowing she had to work to support her family resounded with deep familiarity. I, too, knew that struggle and longing, thankful for what you have but wanting something else. Something more.
Every Friday for the last few months, Kirsten has been posting interviews with stay-at-home-moms in order to learn their stories of how they were able to stay home with their children. I've greatly enjoyed the series and am honored today to share my story with her over at Indebted and In Debt.
Click here to read the interview.
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