Getting Through
It is 10:10 PM and I have an assignment that must submit by 11:00. It will get done, but I had to stop and let you know that I am still alive, my MacBook hasn't crashed, nor has the house burned down. (I am nearly burned-out...but I am getting through.)
In the last month, I've endured, by far, the most difficult month of graduate school. It is not over. I have more assignments due this week than I have time to complete. Oh, and did I mention that I also got a full-time teaching job? Yeah, 20 little third graders who don't care about my developmentally appropriate, educationally and psychologically sound, differentiated unit plan that has been precariously dangling over my head like a 9-foot Steinway. They don't care, but I still love them- honestly, more than I care about a ton of wood and ivory crashing down on me. My ManLove (ha) keeps saying, "You've only got a week left. You can make it." But that's all I am doing- making it. Getting through.
My goal is to be in one piece- though it feels like I am being pulled and prodded and smacked and sat on by The-Man-I-Am-Supposed-to-be-Sticking-It-To. Once this nightmare of a phase has ceased its terror, I will blog faithfully. Thank you for bearing with me as I get through.
In the last month, I've endured, by far, the most difficult month of graduate school. It is not over. I have more assignments due this week than I have time to complete. Oh, and did I mention that I also got a full-time teaching job? Yeah, 20 little third graders who don't care about my developmentally appropriate, educationally and psychologically sound, differentiated unit plan that has been precariously dangling over my head like a 9-foot Steinway. They don't care, but I still love them- honestly, more than I care about a ton of wood and ivory crashing down on me. My ManLove (ha) keeps saying, "You've only got a week left. You can make it." But that's all I am doing- making it. Getting through.
My goal is to be in one piece- though it feels like I am being pulled and prodded and smacked and sat on by The-Man-I-Am-Supposed-to-be-Sticking-It-To. Once this nightmare of a phase has ceased its terror, I will blog faithfully. Thank you for bearing with me as I get through.
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